Personal Health Project

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During January Term, the class was divided into groups of two to work on personal health problems.  Each person chose a health aspect of his/her life he/she wanted to improve, and the goal of the assignment is to work with your partner to achieve this goal.  My goal is to improve my diet and eat better, consuming less calories and more efficient calories.  My partner wants to work on his/her sleeping schedule.  One of the biggest purposes of this project is to learn how to engage deeply with a problem, ask the right questions, develop a needs statement, and help find a solution to a problem.  Another purpose is to make a positive difference in your life by improving a health habit.  So far, my eating has not changed and my partner is just analyzing my calorie intake, as I report everything I eat to my partner.  I am looking forward to soon getting some feedback and suggestions; in addition, I look forward to providing some tips to my partner about sleeping!

-Thomas F

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