Day 4

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There are two Ahnafs in this class.  It took ~16 years of education for that to happen and I’m surprised it actually did.  There aren’t enough Ahnafs in the world.

We are now knee deep in our design projects after an few days.  In that time we’ve done a ton of research on our disease, and we’ve brainstormed several needs we could address for the patient and possible solutions.  There are a few phases of this process I’d like to mention.

We spent over an hour yesterday observing an important part of the patient’s weekly routine.  Without going into too much detail, I was astonished by how capable and independent she is.  I could argue that she is more active than me, and that’s without eyesight! Truly unbelievable.  She was extremely easy to talk to.  We quickly built a rapport and she readily answered any questions we had/gave valuable feedback on our ideas.  It was a very memorable encounter.

I love our group dynamic.  It’s fun to navigate all the different perspectives and hear everyone bounce back and forth ideas.  The most notable example of this was when we gathered all the needs we could come up with and honed in on the ones we wanted to work on while separating into smaller groups.  The best part is we’re really just getting started.

-Ahnaf C

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