Day 2: Going blind is not the end

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Our Tuesday class activity was wrapped up with us watching the movie Going Blind by Joseph Lovett. The film is an documentary of Lovett himself as he tried to accept and overcome his struggle with vision loss, due to Glaucoma. Throughout the movie, Lovett encountered and befriends with other visualized impaired patients which the hope to learn more about his possible future of going blind in order to have a better preparation for it.

As like many other documentary films, Going Blind is a very informative movie that provides me better understanding about the different eyes conditions and cause of certain visualize impairment problems. Stand out the most for me is the stories of people coping, adapting and moving on after their vision loss. Many people like myself usually assume most of blind people are born with the condition and vision is a binary thing: Either you can see or you cannot. Going blind is definitely not the end especially after seeing the six visualized impaired patients in the movie. While there are many research going on which the hope to revert the vision loss, I realized there is also a big need for assisting technology to help these individuals like my patient adapting to their new condition while still able to get back to their daily life. This realization really helps me with my patient’s observation and project need identification.


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