Personal Health

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For this class period, I have been trying to figure out how to keep doing all the things I’m involved with while sleeping better. I’ve always known that I start losing productivity at some point in the day, but generally I ignore tiredness (or drink coffee) so as to get something done. This compounds over time, because I wake up more tired the next day and have a similar workload, meaning I’ll be even less efficient than the first day; it’s kind of like a productivity-loss cycle. Today I tried to go to bed early and wake up early, but as happens almost every time I try that, I woke up much later than I intended. I still woke up early enough to do the work I had intended to complete for class, but there were some other things I’d been trying to do that I won’t have time for now. Something that might be worth considering is taking a nap in the evening. I’ve normally avoided naps because it takes me a while to fall asleep, but maybe the idea is worth revisiting.  I’ll also be talking to my partner and see what suggestions he has to make, and go from there. Hopefully we can figure out something that can be maintained beyond J-Term, I really enjoy most of the things I work on, but I’ve come to the realization that I also enjoy sleep.


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