HolfordM_ 2

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I’ve always tried to stay as far away from drawing as possible, simply because it is so embarrassing. I have always felt shame when I look at things that I have drawn. It is as though I am missing some sort of link between my eyes and my hand, because I can have something right in front of me yet not be able to capture its form on paper at all.
I recognize that the ability to sketch is important, and the recent lesson in visualization was a great lesson on how to deal with this shortcoming. Through this exercise, I have found a technique that will allow me to accurately draw things that physically exist, and will provide a solid starting point for things that do not.

First, I took a picture of the object in question (my doorway). I changed the picture to black and white because I was concerned only about the outline of shapes, not color.

Then, I printed out this image to completely take up an 8 1/2 by 11 piece of paper. I taped this image to a glass table. I turned on a flash light and placed it facing upward under the glass table, such that it shown through the piece of paper.

Now, I was in a position to place a blank sheet of paper atop the printed image and locate reference points, or trace the image.

This same effect can be achieved by putting the two sheets of paper and taping them to a window on a sunny day.

This may not be perfect for every set of circumstances, but it is certainly a nice place to start.


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