Days 2 and 3 Reflection

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We are off to a great start with our personal health projects! My partner has been very willing to provide me with his schedule and his motivation to go to the gym throughout the day. This data will hopefully give me some insight into the times which he is most likely to go to the gym during the day. Additionally, I found that creating a “Journey Map” of his day also gave me some qualitative data as to how he is generally feeling at different points in the day. I think my task is a bit tricky because motivation is something that is pretty internal, but, hopefully finding the time that he is most motivated and suggesting he go to the gym at that time will optimize his willingness and schedule. I am also considering geographic location during the day because the closer you are to the gym the easier it is to go. Especially during the semester, if my partner’s last class is in the E-School and he is willing to pack gym clothes he can simply go to the AFC right after class (I often do that and find it very convenient).

The patient health project is also going very well! We were able to observe our patient doing physical activity/exercise and saw how their condition effected their ability to participate. We spoke with the patient for quite a bit of time learning more about their personal experiences with the condition and how treatments and technologies for the condition are far from perfect.  We even got some insight into some of the social movements that are occurring in which the patients are taking innovation into their own hands because the technology for treatment is not evolving fast enough in industry. There is some very interesting stuff out there!


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