Day 2- January 5th 2016

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On the second day of class, we created a journey map for our partner’s personal project. Creating the journey map led me to a bunch of discoveries regarding my partner’s problems with sleep. By mapping out his day, I found that he generally spent time in the evenings at his home, his Research Laboratory in Rice Hall, or Lacy Hall. He attested that he had various productivity levels at each location, which could slightly alter the time that he decided to go to sleep. He stated that he went to sleep between 1 AM and 3 AM every night, which means that he is either putting off work at times or has too large of a workload. Following this, I asked for his priorities between school and his two extracurricular activities to start along the path of identifying a need. I also plan on asking my partner about his future goals to determine where he should focus his efforts in the upcoming semester, if his sleeping problems are indeed associated with too large of a workload.

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