Inspiration- the first space of Innovation

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In the first chapter of Change by Design book, the author Tim Brown mentions the three spaces of innovation: Inspiration, Ideation and Implementation. The entire class today is devoted for Inspiration. For the personal health project, exercise/ physical activity is identified as the problem area that I decide to focus  in for my partner. Through interviewing with my partner, we decided that the goal of this project is to redesign the exercise schedule as well as way to track the performance to ensure that this routine will become regular as a habit. Since it is also the season for New Year resolutions, I am inspired to not only to redesign this specifically for my partner but also later apply it to my daily life as well.

The highlight of today class in my opinion is the meeting the patients section. My group works with a patients with visual impairment. Through conversations with her, we have learned and identified three problems that she currently struggles with:

  1. Problem with visibility walking in the dark especially when crossing streets and driveways.
  2. Problem with managing her dog play time such as picking up the toys.
  3. Currently the patient’s clothes is labelled using PenFriend Audio Labeler. However, these washable labels are limited in numbers. As the results, she can no longer able to use these labels for any new clothes.

All three of the patients’ story not only give me inspiration for projects to help them with their daily life problem, but also motivates me to better use time and energy.

By Vi

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