Day 1 Reflection and Moving Forward

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After meeting our patients today, I am super excited for what the next couple weeks will bring. I was particularly impressed by how all of the patients were not only willing to open up to us about their lives, but also were in such great spirits while doing so. The amount of new information I learned from them was so much and so interesting, to the point where it was almost overwhelming. Tonight, I plan to do some research to clarify some things our patients mentioned (devices, blood sugar readings, A1C levels) to understand their lives a little better. I will also try to learn more about our patient’s disease which will help me ask more specific questions and give me some knowledge to reference moving forward. I feel like once we formulate some thoughtful questions for our patient and get a better idea of their everyday lifestyle we will be able to zoom in on a specific issue we’d like to tackle. Additionally, I went to the gym today and recorded my typical exercise routine as my partner for the personal health project requested, so that we can create a more structured workout regiment for me.


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