Day 1: Considering the Correspondence

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I’ve spent several moments this evening thoughtfully reviewing the suggestions offered by my Personal Health Project (PHP) partner. I must (within the confines of a diary kept within reach) document the number of times work-related (succinctly defined as any activity not generally considered leisure) topics become the object of my thoughts during scheduled sleeping hours and document the amount of time they remain. In addition, I am to provide the length of time I am considered restless, as well as sleeping, with aims to uncover how stress levels influence my insomnia on a daily basis.

As a result of considering the implications of the PHP, it occurred to me that my partner’s methodology for acquiring measurements is comparable to an app on the market, Pacifica, which I downloaded a few weeks ago. Pacifica allows the user to choose their current mood, then select any specific feelings and detail the current situation they are facing. The goal, similar to my partner’s, is to discover patterns between stress and anxiety and sleep quality. However, the app gets little use (see images here) as in the mist of everyday activities, data collecting fades to the background on my priority list. Thus, it will be interesting to determine if and if so, how, the circumstance and ‘tried and true’ method of keeping a diary alleviates this hindrance.

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