Day 1

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Today we started two big projects: one that is focused on a personal health goal and one that is focused on a patient’s problems. I worked with my classmate to figure out what health goal he wants to meet within the two weeks that we have class. The conversation went well because we were able to ask each other lots of questions. We decided that he needs longer and more restful sleep and he is, therefore, keeping a sleep log in order for me to figure out the magnitude of his problem before I can come up with a solution. We also met with our patient who is visually impaired. She spoke about her disease and daily life. I was humbled by how easy she made her days seem when in reality she has to go through much more effort to complete daily tasks than the average person. My group and I are getting to know her better this week by accompanying her during various activities such as walking to work, going to the gym, and playing with her dog. By seeing how our patient lives on a daily basis, we will find areas which could use improvement that she might not even be aware of.


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